University of Belgrade - Center for Laser Microscopy


"The main objective of the project is to improve research capacities of a Western Balkan (WB) research center and of WBs in general, for the groundbreaking research field of cell and tissue imaging in life sciences for health, particularly neurosciences and neurology. The WB center which is the single proposer of this action will be the Institute for Physiology and Biochemistry, School of Biology, University of Belgrade with its Center for laser microscopy. In addition to diverse resources for neuroscience and physiology the Institute is equipped with a laser scanning confocal microscope that will present the core facility for the project research management. The principal objective will be met through a work plan designed to 1) develop the confocal imaging core platform taking into account specific scientific directions, i.e. physiology time-series and plasticity. development and molecular genetics, 2) increase the capacity to participate in the research programmes of the EU and to improve already existing links with well-established European research centers via intense networking, 3) strengthen the technical capacity by upgrading and maintainance of equipment and by provision of key skills, employment of young researchers and exchange visits of scientists, 4) bridge the gap between theoretical and applied science and serve the socio-economic needs of the country by supporting medical and pharmaceutical research through interaction with medical institutions, 5) disseminate knowledge of cell imaging beyond the field of neuroscience and forming a wide regional database of potential users and collaborators."

Source: Self-entry in February 2008.

Department / Unit
Institute for Physiology and Biochemistry
  • Higher Education
  • Research Institute
Contact details
Phone:++381 11 3032356
Fax:++381 11 3032356
Address:Studentski trg 3, 11000 Belgrade
Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Natural Sciences
Related users

Entry created by Elke Dall on February 16, 2008
Modified on April 9, 2014