European Students' Union


The European Students' Union (ESU) is the umbrella organisation of 47 National Unions of Students (NUS) from 39 countries (December 2012). The NUSes are open to all students in their respective country regardless of political persuasion, religion, ethnic or cultural origin, sexual orientation or social standing. Our members are also student-run, autonomous, representative and operate according to democratic principles.

The aim of ESU

The aim of ESU is to represent and promote the educational, social, economic and cultural interests of students at the European level towards all relevant bodies and in particular the European Union, Bologna Follow Up Group, Council of Europe and UNESCO. Through its members, ESU represents over 11 million students in Europe.

Working together

ESU works to bring together, resource, train and inform national student representatives on policy developments in higher education at the European level. Since decisions concerning higher education are increasingly taken at the European level, ESU's role as the only European-wide student platform is similarly growing. ESU's work centres around supporting its members through organising seminars, training, campaigns and conferences relevant to students, conducting European-wide research, partnership projects and campaigns, providing information services and producing a variety of publications. for both students, policy-makers and higher education professionals.


ESU’s mission is to represent, defend and strengthen students’ educational, democratic and political and social rights. ESU will work for sustainable, accessible and high quality higher education in Europe.

Department / Unit
Committee on Commodification of Education
  • Other
Contact details
Phone:++32 2 5022362
Fax: +32 2 706 48 26
Address:Rue de la Sablonniere 20 / Zavelput 20, 1000 Bruxelles
Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Marko Stojanovic on May 30, 2008
Modified on March 12, 2014