Industrial Park in Drenas


The Industrial Park in Drenas (IPD) is a programme component of the working spaces, which means ensuring a physical infrastructure for business. IPD includes an area of 24 ha and is divided in 76 units.

The major purpose of the Park establishment is:

•         Creation of a physical and business environment, in which both the existing businesses and new micro, small and medium ones can be developed and prosper;

•         Attraction of new investments (domestic and foreign);

•         Gathering of businesses in a suitable place outside of urban zone; and

•         Extension of the existing industry.


The Industrial Park is mainly based on the services internally provided to enterprises, e.g. foreign enterprises located in the Park:

•         Legal support for company registration;

•         Comprehensive assistance during company start-up phase;

•         Contractual issues on purchasing of the workspace;

•         Support services for permission and planning;

•         Support during construction and establishment of the workspace;

•         Research and selection of local partners;

•         Selection and recruitment of local workforce;

•         Assistance to resolve transport, customs, accounting, fiscal, juridical and technical issues;

•         Access to local language and culture; and

•         Preferential access local distribution, processed products, and raw materials.

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Entry created by Elke Dall on July 24, 2008
Modified on July 24, 2008