Southeastern Europe Telecommunications and Informatics Research Institute


"Greece's biggest telecom and informatics companies have pooled their resources and expertise to create the South-eastern Europe Telecommunications and Informatics Research Institute - INA, an organization designed to facilitate investment in the region's telecom and informatics markets by analysing regional market trends , enhancing the exchange of technological expertise and helping to develop a regulatory framework for the regions telecom markets.
INA's activities also serve the larger effort on the part of Greece and the EU to gradually bring the developing nations of South-eastern Europe into line with European standards and norms. Prospective clients of the institute include state bodies and organizations in Greece and abroad, as well as private entities involved in the telecom industry, universities and research institutes. The recent successful Greek experience in the areas of telecommunications and IT will serve as a model for the development of regulatory and institutional infrastructures in the region, which is home to 50 million residents.
Set up in 2000 on the initiative of the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece (FING), INA (from the Greek word for fibre - as in fibre-optics) officially opened its doors on January 4, 2002, in Thessaloniki."

Source: INA Website, as accessed in February 2007.

Contact details
Phone:++30 2310 489386
Fax:++30 2310 489387
Address: 9th km Thessaloniki- Thermi, P.O Box 6008057001 Thessaloniki, 57001 Thessaloniki
Geographical focus
  • International; Other
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans
Related users

Entry created by Elke Dall on February 14, 2007
Modified on February 14, 2007