EIFL - Electronic Information for Libraries


"eIFL.net Programs and Services
eIFL.net has established 6 core programs which enable and sustain access to knowledge by library users in developing and transitional countries.

eIFL.net member consortia take part in all or just some of these core programs according to their needs.

eIFL.net is advocating for affordable access to commercially produced electronic journals and databases through collective negotiations with publishers and aggregators. Our negotiation activity includes not only obtaining affordable prices, but also establishing fair terms and conditions for access to those resources by library users in developing and transitional countries.

eIFL.net has produced a model contract and a model license to be used in connection with the deals negotiated by eIFL.net with an individual publisher.

Consortium building
A central part of eIFL.net's mission is to assist in the building of sustainable national library consortia. A wide range of activities underpin this goal including: training events, national and regional workshops and meetings, individual country visits, grants, manuals, web resources. eIFL.net in discussion with the country co-ordinator tailors the activity to the stage of development of the country consortium.

Knowledge sharing
We believe that sharing information and knowledge is essential to capacity building and sustainable development. To this end, eIFL.net has developed into a vibrant global community of professionals interacting in different ways: within national library consortia, in expert networks such as eIFL-IP or eIFL-OA, throughout geographic regions, by special interest groups etc. At the core of eIFL.net’s mission and underpinning its growing range of activities is the sharing of knowledge at all levels – global, national, local – in all areas relevant to eIFL.net’s activities, both between eIFL.net stakeholders (the library, academic, research and policy making communities) and between East and West, North and South.

The goal of eIFL-IP "Advocacy for Access to Knowledge: copyright and libraries" is to protect and promote the interests of libraries in copyright issues in eIFL member countries. We have created a network of library copyright specialists to help build capacity amongst the eIFL.net library community and to advocate for national and international copyright law reform. The overall vision of eIFL-IP is that eIFL.net librarians will become activists for fair and balanced copyright laws and leaders in promoting access to knowledge in the digital age.

Through the eIFL-open access program, eIFL.net members build capacity on the issues related to Open Access in order that libraries and their users can benefit from the content which is increasingly being made freely available through Open Access - as well as by ensuring that the local content produced within their countries is widely distributed. This is being addressed through the development of Open Access repositories and by encouraging authors within each country to publish their articles in Open Access journals.

eIFL-FOSS advocates free and open source software (FOSS) use in libraries in developing and transition countries. It aims to raise awareness and understanding of FOSS, facilitate eIFL.net member engagement with FOSS development communities, and undertake projects of special significance to eIFL.net members. Working closely with a network of eIFL-FOSS country co-ordinators, the program will build FOSS capacity in libraries; share experiences and expertise; and develop support material for evaluation of and migration to a FOSS integrated library system (ILS)."

Source: EIFL website, as accessed in April 2008

Contact details
E-Mail: info@eifl.net
Phone:++39 6 5807216-17
Fax:++39 6 5807246
Address: Piazza Mastai 900153 Rome, 00153 Rome
Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Elke Dall on April 17, 2008
Modified on April 17, 2008