Consortium "LINK"

Estabilshed since 2004, Consortium Link consists of: Provincia of Ascoli Piceno, Mountain Community of Tronto, Mountain Community of Sibillini (19 municipalities), from START spa (public transport company), Marconi Group (frozen platform) ,Heligroup (specialized company for helicopters and civil protection), RTA telecommunication, A&J internationalization, etc. Since 2004, the Consortium LINK, is active in the development of relationships and local development in the Balkan Area, as a multidisciplinary coordinator among Public Entities,Universities and SMEs. The large academic and entrepreneurial networks managed by Consortium LINK are able to participate, directly or not, in the IPA Programme, SEE programmes, and to strengthen, continuously, its relationships network. Technological support is provided by Cineca ( and all the initiatives are shared with public entities as Regione Abruzzo and Regione Marche. Technological partners in the industrial sector are: KWpower in the sector of renewable energy (Industries from Dpsin) and the Consortium Biotechnomares (Sardinia) . This network of competences enables Consortium LINK to offer high level of contents in several sector as: food processing, research, ICT, governance systems, energy, agriculture and fisheries management.
Department / Unit
Multidisciplinary co-ordination
Contact details
Phone:+39 085 62914
Fax:+39 085 62914
Address: via Mamiani n.34 - 63037 San Benedetto del Tronto AP operative head quarter: via Primo vere n.33 65129 Pescara PE

Entry created by Luciano Vigino Palusci on August 27, 2009
Modified on August 27, 2009