Croatian Institute of Technology, Ltd.


The Croatian Institute of Technology (HIT) was founded by the Croatian Government in March 2006 with the vision of becoming the leading institution in Croatia in charge of developing and implementing technology policy. The Institute is under the competence of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (MSES). The role of HIT is coherent with the role of the future European Institute of Technology (EIT). Therefore, HIT is focused towards strengthening education, research and innovation (knowledge triangle).
The main task of the HIT is to support and improve the commercialization of the technological projects and to support the closer cooperation between scientific community and business. HIT administers one of the national programmes supporting technology development: Technology-Related Research and Development Programme (TEST).
The Croatian Institute of Technology (HIT) is in charge of developing the national technology foresight platform and business intelligence system, and will overtake from MSES the consolidation of the administrative structure of national focal points of the EU Framework Research and Technology Development Programmes. The Institute’s vision is to act as the leading Croatian technology institution that creates conditions for strong and permanent growth of a knowledge-based economy through development and implementation of technological policy.

The goals of HIT are to:
• Stimulate research and development and technology-related activities;
• Stimulate innovation;
• Strengthen international cooperation;
• Promote knowledge as developmental resource and foundational factor of the economical growth;
• Connect educational institutions and industry;
• Exchange of knowledge, skills and experiences;
• Consult and participate in developing strategy of the technological development of croatia;

• Support and assist foundation of new companies that result from test programme;and
• Provide financial and legal support to the start-up companies that develop new technologies.

Contact Person:
Pero Munivrana, Director

Further contact details are provided below.


  • Agency/Fund
Contact details
Phone:++385 1 2352650
Fax:++385 1 2352652
Address: Planinska 110000 Zagreb, 10000 Zagreb
Geographical focus
  • Croatia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Engineering and Technology

Entry created by Elke Dall on March 14, 2007
Modified on May 8, 2014