Ministry of Education, Science and Culture - Iceland


The icelandic Ministry Ministry of Education, Science and Culture is divided into three Departments and four Offices:

* Department of Education,
* Department of Science and Higher Education,
* Department of Cultural Affairs,
* Office of Information and Service, Office of Financial Affairs, Office of Legal Affairs and Office of Evaluation and Analysis.

The Department of Science and Higer Education handles general administration in science and research affairs within the Ministry. It prepares and advises on scientific and research policy under the auspices of the Council for Science and Technology, as well as generally supervising the Council's affairs. The Department also supervises the issues of the Scientific Committee and co-ordination of the Ministry's various projects in the field of science and research and their integration with overall educational policy. The Director of the Department of Science is Einar Jorundsson.


Source:, as accessed on February 12, 2009.

Department / Unit
Department of Science and Higer Education
Contact details
Phone:+354 545 9500
Fax:+354 562 3068
Address: Solvholsgata 4 150 Reykjavik

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on February 12, 2009
Modified on February 12, 2009