Polish Academy of Sciences - Institute of Mathematics


"The Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences is a research center established by the Government on November 20, 1948 as the State Mathematical Institute. According to the project of the Institute completed in 1945 by Professors K. Borsuk, B. Knaster and K. Kuratowski, the Mathematical Institute was divided into sections, which correspond in principle to the particular areas of mathematics. From the very beginning, there existed a publications department to coordinate the mathematical publications in the country; the Central Mathematical Library was also founded at the same time.

At present, research concentrates on the following disciplines:

  • Algebra and algebraic geometry (intersection theory and enumerative geometry, vector bundles, characteristic classes, algebraic combinatorics, noncommutative geometry, noncommutative algebra, classical algebra and symmetric functions)
  • Differential equations and optimization (optimal control theory, geometric and analytic properties of solutions of nonlinear differential equations in mechanics and geometry, Sobolev spaces, gravitation theory)
  • Differential geometry (generalized manifolds and analytic geometric structures)
  • Dynamical systems (iteration of mappings of intervals and holomorphic mappings, invariant measures)
  • Foundations and philosophy of mathematics (set theory, model theory, set theory aspects of measure theory, computational complexity of recursive functions)
  • Functional analysis (Hilbert spaces, geometry of Banach spaces, approximation theory, wavelets, operator theory, topological algebras)
  • Functions of a complex variable (quasiconformal mappings, invariants of bi-holomorphic mappings, generalization of the Cauchy-Riemann problem)
  • Mathematical analysis (theory of polynomial maps, splines, differentiation theory, pseudodistribution theory, function inequalities)
  • Mathematical physics (space-time singularities, geometric properties of quantum groups)
  • Number theory (polynomials over general fields, zeta and L-functions, analytic and p-adic methods, elementary number theory)
  • Numerical analysis (numerical methods in partial differential equations, approximation of spectra of linear operators, ill-posed problems)
  • Statistics (statistical models, decision theory, estimation, hypotheses testing, nonparametrics, computer simulation of stochastic phenomena)
  • Probability (stochastic analysis, stochastic control theory, stochastic processes, applied probability)
  • Topology (general topology, topology of metric compacta, infinite dimensional topology, dimension theory).

The library of the Institute is the Central Mathematical Library of Poland. The collection of books (more than 70,000) and journals (more than 1030 titles including 650 currently published) places the library among the best mathematical libraries in the world.

The Institute of Mathematics is the publisher of the following mathematical journals and serials: Acta Arithmetica, Annales Polonici Mathematici, Applicationes Mathematicae, Banach Center Publications, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences - Mathematics, Colloquium Mathematicum, Dissertationes Mathematicae, Fundamenta Mathematicae, Studia Mathematica."

Source: Self-entry in March 2007.

Contact details
E-Mail: im@impan.gov.pl
Phone:++48 22 5228100
Fax:++48 22 6293997
Address: Sniadeckich 800-956 Warsaw, 00-956 Warsaw
Geographical focus
  • International; Other
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Entry created by Elke Dall on March 16, 2007
Modified on March 16, 2007