Republic Agency for the Development Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Entrepreneurship


The Republic Agency for the Development Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Entrepreneurship (RASME) was founded by the Law on Agency for a Development of Small and Medium-Sized Companies. The Agency is divided into three key sectors: International Co-operation; Support to SMEs; and Common Affairs.

 The basic aim of the RASME is to support (aid, advise, assist, and protect) the development and interests of the SMEs, in: 

•         Invigoration of the regional economic development and change of the economic structure;

•         Solving unemployment problems more efficiently;

•         Substitution of import and intensifying SMEs competitiveness;

•         Stimulating various forms of cooperation with big enterprises;

•         Introducing modern technologies and enhancing innovations (entrepreneurs’ incubators, innovative centres, etc);

•         Utilizing business premises and equipment more economically; and

•         Quality upgrading; automation and computerization etc.


RASME has predominantly been active in providing legal and financial consulting, as well as training in co-operation with the National Employment Service. The Agency helps SMEs in adapting new technologies in the form of advisory support to their innovative activity.

 Main activity of RASME in 2007 was launching new programme, defined as support for start-up of new companies. In total 2507 applications were filled and 1507 start-up loans were approved. RASME continues with similar programmes also in 2008


Contact details
Address: Topličin venаc br. 19, Beograd
Geographical focus
  • Serbia

Entry created by Elke Dall on July 22, 2008
Modified on July 22, 2008