Athens Information Technology Center

"Athens Information Technology (AIT), an internationally-renowned education and research center in the fields of information technology and telecommunications, was founded in 2001 by INTRACOM. In creating AIT, INTRACOM’s purpose was to build on the track record of excellence set by Greek scientists and engineers both in Greece and abroad, and to enable Greece to play a significant future role in these fields. AIT’s mission is to: Establish and maintain a center of excellence for research and education in the areas of software engineering, telecommunications/networking, embedded Systems and electronics; Foster the development of top level competitive information and communication technology professionals capable of creating technological breakthroughs. To support its education efforts, AIT signed a collaborative agreement with Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and the Information Networking Institute (INI) of Carnegie Mellon to operate a joint Carnegie Mellon-AIT Master of Science in Information Networking (MSIN) Program. This Program is based on the curriculum of the current MSIN Program offered by CMU/INI. All AIT’s academic activities follow Carnegie Mellon’s academic procedures and standards. This Program is designed to attract gifted graduates from Greek and other South East European universities, and to support professionals in this region seeking to update their knowledge in today’s competitive technologically oriented market. The duration of the Program, taught jointly by AIT and Carnegie Mellon professors, is four semesters and scholarships are available to all accepted students. The Master of Science degree is awarded to qualifying students directly by CMU. AIT also offers two more graduate programs: a Master of Science in Information and Telecommunications Technologies (MSITT), and a Master of Science in Management of Business, Innovation & Technology (MBIT). Furthermore, AIT provides Executive Training and Summer School Programs. The aim of basic and directed Research undertaken at AIT is to turn the Center into an international research hub in software engineering, telecommunications/networking, embedded systems and electronics by fostering collaborations with other research centers in Greece and abroad. Research activities are synergistic with and complementary to those of other research and education centers in Greece and the region. AIT’s research and education facilities located in Peania, a northern suburb of Athens, include three state-of-the-art interactive amphitheaters (totaling 400 seats) fully equipped with audiovisual network systems enabling tele-education; the region’s most technologically advanced laboratories for embedded systems, software engineering & web applications, autonomic & grid computing, high speed & optical communications, and wireless & sensor networks; a library; study rooms; a bookstore; a restaurant-café; a recreation area and a dormitory. The Academic Council of internationally-renowned distinguished scientists guide AIT’s education and research activities. AIT operates as a Laboratory of Liberal Studies according to the Greek Law." Source: AIT website, as accessed in August 2007.
Contact details
Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other

Entry created by Ioannis Tomkos on January 22, 2007
Modified on January 22, 2007