Economics institute Banja Luka


Economic Institute Banja Luka, as the oldest scientific-research and consulting institution in the Republic of Srpska and one of the oldest in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was established in 1960. The status of scientific and research institution was acquired in 1972 and has been maintained ever since. During years of existence and work, various methods within the Institute have been developed and many projects have been carried out in all fields of economics and scientific-research work. More than thousand of scientific and research projects, expert's studies, feasibility studies and investment projects have been carried out, including publishing many articles in science and professional magazines. The Institute has organized many scientific and expert seminars, and its scientists and experts have participated in numerous international researching studies and projects. The Institute had very good cooperation with related institutes from European countries.

Contact details
Address: Kralja Alfonsa XIII, No. 18 78000 Banja Luka RS, BiH
Country:Bosnia and Herzegovina
Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina

Entry created by Nebojsa Bomestar on September 23, 2011
Modified on September 23, 2011