European Centre for Research in Asia, Africa and Latin America

ECRAAL is a non-profit organisation, supporting the engagement and education policies as well as the funding of actors and players from Asia, Africa and Latin America through EU research. We are a flexible, integrated and operational Brussels based platform, aimed at boosting the active participation of non-European players in EU research and education funding opportunities.Accredited with the European Institutions, ECRAAL provides a credible and reliable operational hub for promoting the participation of non-European players in EU funding for research, training and education. Consequently, ECRAAL is an alliance to promote the interests of institutions and research intensive institutes and companies from non-European players, in dealings with the relevant EU institutions and regions of Europe. Fostering networks and collaboration between research players in the EU and their colleagues and peers in Asia, Africa and Latin America is a core component of this alliance, including the business, education and public sectors.
Department / Unit
Contact details
Phone:02 282 84 16
Address: Rond Point Schuman, 6 Sctoland House, 1040 Brussels
Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other

Entry created by Pablo Navazo on November 12, 2010
Modified on November 12, 2010