Bled Forum on Europe


Forum on Europe is a regional foresight event (initiated in 1996) involving NGO's, governmental institutions and business sector. Main topics of Forum are the challenges Europe is facing today, the role of EU in the world, human rights, the rule of law and socio-economic development. According to changing topics and issues addressed by Forum also involvement of partners varied from 1996 till present. All events organized by Forum on Europe are examples of cross-border, multidisciplinary, and public-private regional and in international cooperation. Forum on Europe also facilitates the integration of different regional and national centres into a coherent and cooperative matching point.

VISION of Forum on Europe is to effectively influence the decision-making process at EU and governmental, private sector and civil society level to bring about “public virtue”. Public virtue defined as EU and UN values, such as human rights, the rule of law, environmental protection and values derived from MILLENNIUM project challenges.

OBJECTIVES of Forum on Europe are to promote knowledge-based governance with ethical considerations, and the use of future studies and foresight. To connect researchers, scientists, businessmen, policy makers and civil society with the aim of responding to global challenges. To influence the above mentioned stakeholders to implement Bled Forum on Europe recommendations in long-term planning and short-term actions

Further information about Bled Forum on Europe events within 2006 and 2011:

  • Other
Contact details
Phone:+386 41 734 734
Address: RAZISKOVALNO DRUŠTVO BLED FORUM O EVROPI (Bled Forum on Europe Association) Cesta na Kurešček 52 1292 Ig
Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on February 2, 2009
Modified on March 13, 2014