Albanian Centre of Excellence


"The Albanian Centre of Excellence (ACE) is established by Dr.Edmond Hoxha.


The ACE is an independent organization, and has as a mission to mobilize the best intellectual resources in the development of economical, political, scientifically and civil society, life of the country. It constantly observes and reflects concerning the last national and international development on these fields, making efforts to apply these achievements in the benefit of the society development. It values the contributions of the distinguished personalities in different fields of the country development.


In the field of Politics: Promote political development to the democracy through: participation on the policy formulation; evaluations, proposals and opinions for the democracy development, free elections, and freedom of the peoples and the press; studying and researches etc.

In the field of Economy: Promote economical development to the market economy, stability, economical growth and poverty reduction etc, through: participation on policy formulation; evaluations, technical proposals and study realization, etc.
In the field of sciences: Cultivates, encourages and promotes sciences through activities and contribute in the sciences development through: addressing basic issues of sciences; participating in the researching activities policy formulation; giving evaluations, proposals and opinions for development and promotion of sciences; organizing scientific research, especially in the field which are important for the country development; opening post university courses; organizing scholar-ships, cooperating with Universities for the best integration of the scientific work with teaching process; realizing scientific programs, etc.

In the field of Civil Society: Cultivates, encourages and promotes civil society through activities, programs and contribute developing it through: participation in the programs formulation, evaluations, proposals, projects and studies relating to the civil society development.

Awards: ACE gives honor awards for the distinguished personalities which give a constant contribution in the country development.


The ACE is directed by the Board; Board of Honor; President. The ACE is organized on four Departments: (1) Department of the Political development; (2) Department of Economical Development; (3) Department of Scientific Researching and Development; (4) Department of Civil Society Development."

Source: Self-entry in March 2007.

Contact details
Phone:++355 4 259 244
Fax:++355 4 271 745
Address: Rruga "Punetoret e Rilindjes" Nr.1. N/A Tirana, N/A Tirana
Geographical focus
  • Albania
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Entry created by Elke Dall on March 9, 2007
Modified on March 9, 2007