Living Labs

Living Labs

Living Labs Global opens up the potentials of innovative mobile applications and technologies to European citizens, companies, researchers and investors for the purpose of pioneering mobile applications for European end-users and markets, enhance Attractiveness for visitors, residents, business and to provide a European platform for collaboration and opening innovative markets.

Across Europe, cities and regions gain comparative advantages by swiftly advancing their infrastructure for transportation and telecommunications. Cities that become nodes in cross-border networks attract business firms and investors, tourists and other visitors. More and more, hub cities are becoming significant transaction points for global flows of goods, services, people and ideas. They gain advantage not only for themselves but for the surrounding region and for other such coupled cities.

Currently, within the emerging knowledge-based economy, the most successful European regions or city-areas seem to be those that operate as if they were full-scale urban laboratories or regional proving grounds for prototyping and testing new technology application and new methods of generating and fostering innovation processes in real time.

These city-regions, and the firms located in them, seem to be actively riding the wave of modern information and communications technologies rather than simply adapting them. Here, professional and other user communities play a significant role in identifying needs, shaping applications, and creating effective interactions between the inventive producers and users of technology for truly innovative uses.

Whether you are an innovative SME (small-and medium-sized enterprise) set for international exposure, a large or even multi-national innovation company, a leading university or research centre, an academic entity or a regional institution focusing on innovation we are inviting you to submit your admission demand. Whilst the network is open to any member proposals to launch regional innovative highlight projects with a potential to be replicated internationally, major initiatives are evaluated carefully by our strategic council. Only active members contributing to the networks goals and objectives will be invited to remain member beyond a first 12 month initial membership period.

Contact details
Phone:+34-627-299 588
Fax:+34 20 7900 3295
Address: Living Labs Global (Secretariat) C/ Ribera 5, Entlo. 2 08003 Barcelona
Geographical focus
  • Europe
Related users

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on September 22, 2008
Modified on September 22, 2008