ZIP Institute

ZIP Institute

Established in 2011, ZIP Institute is a non-profit, independent, and nonpartisan public policy organization geared towards producing and disseminating high-quality, objective and comprehensive ideas and analyses central to the democratization and EU Integration of Macedonia.  ZIP Institute gives voice to the democratization process in the country and the region of South Eastern Europe as a whole, and spotlights its importance in tackling the most prevalent issues facing our society with field action, including in particular training and community development actions.

ZIP Institute’s core focus lies in connecting research and analysis of local issues with field action: its activity combines the provision of evidence-based policy research with trans-formative field action.  ZIP specializes in two key areas of intervention: introducing new ways of informal education primarily among young people; and public administration and local governance research.

ZIP Institute brings together young and enthusiastic people, with a common vision of helping and facilitating Macedonia’s road toward stable democracy, economic and social prosperity, and EU Integration. It strives to channel a new influential voice, originating from the perspective of representatives of both majority and non-majority ethnic groups in Macedonia.

Source: ZIP Institute

  • Association/NGO
Republic of North Macedonia
Contact details
Phone:+389 2 615 98 32
Mobile: +389 70 222 811
Address:Boulevard Partizanski Odredi 106 / 1-3 Skopje
Country:Republic of North Macedonia
Geographical focus
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • SEE
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • General

Entry created by Anna Sirocco on June 10, 2016
Modified on June 10, 2016