BISA South East Europe Working Group

BISA South East Europe Working Group

Established in 2002, the Working Group on South East Europe (the post-communist Balkans, Greece, Turkey and Cyprus) aims to become a space for debate and research on issues related to the security, political, economic, justice and social transformation and/or reconstruction of the region. The Western Balkan dimension of the group particularly engages with external state-building processes following the conflicts in the 1990s as well as issues related to Europeanization, economic cooperation and soft security challenges. The aim of this working group is to strengthen the network of scholars working on the abovementioned themes and to initiate a dialogue with policy-makers and practitioners interested in South East Europe. Future activities of the working group include joint panels at international conferences, specialized workshops and joint publications.

Source: BISA South East Europe Working Group

  • Network
  • Research Institute
United Kingdom
Geographical focus
  • SEE
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Anna Sirocco on June 8, 2016
Modified on June 8, 2016