European Association of Institutions in Higher Education


EURASHE is the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education that offer professionally orientated programmes and are engaged in applied and profession-related research within the Bologna cycles. EURASHE represents univerisities of applied sciences and university colleges; other members of EURASHE are national and sectorial associations of higher education institutions, and other individual institutions, such as universities. EURASHE members operate within and across different national systems whether these are unitary or binary, professional and/or academic. EURASHE was founded in Patras (Greece) in 1990. It has the status of an international non-profit association according to Belgian law (aisbl) and its Secretariat is located in Brussels (Belgium).

EURASHE’s mission is to represent the views of professionally-orientated institutions and programmes in the higher education systems in countries of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), either in binary higher education systems or in unitary ‘university’ systems. Its aim is to promote the interests of professional higher education in the EHEA and to contribute to the progressive development of the European Higher Education and Research Area (EHERA). In addition to offering professionally-orientated programmes, EURASHE members are specifically engaged in applied and profession-related research, and its technological applications. EURASHE believes partnership and cooperation with other regions of the world are important. It has thus established relationships with countries outside the EHEA through associate membership and partnership agreements with other regions, such as Canada, the United States of America, the Middle East, Central Asia and Asia. EURASHE focuses primarily on policy development and on higher education projects and research with emphasis on its professionally-orientated segments. Furthermore, it organises annual conferences, thematic seminars and tailor-made events for its members.


  • Higher Education
Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • SEE
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Anna Sirocco on April 14, 2016
Modified on April 14, 2016