South East European Law School Network


The South East European Law School Network (SEELS) is the first academic network of its kind that brings together 13 distinct Law Schools from the region. SEELS creates synergies and aims to foster excellence in science and education through regional collaboration and European integration.

SEELS is established with the aim of improving cooperation between the Law Faculties in the region and thus improving their scientific, teaching and administrative capacities.

Dedicated to increase international competitiveness and high-level of performance in the field of legal education, research and publishing, particularly with regard to curricula development, inter-institutional co-operation and integrated programs of study at a regional level through the planned three pillar approach (education, research and publishing) are supporting the strategic development of the Law Faculties and address the three identified target groups (students, academic staff and legal professions).

Through the development and introduction of new joint programmes and activities in the area of education, further professional training, research and publishing in the field of law, the SEELS members are able to offer attractive and specialised courses and programmes and thereby facilitate regional mobility of scientists, students, researchers and lawyers.

SEELS aims to institutionalise the necessary and highly demanded regional exchange of legal academic know-how and information in order to improve the academic and administrative performance. SEELS offers high quality legal education, research and professional training. SEELS facilitates and increases mobility of students, academics and legal professionals in SEE countries. It also improves the connections of the legal community of South East Europe to distinguished academic institutions in Europe and beyond, in order to increase the international visibility of its members.

Source: SEELS

  • Higher Education
  • Network
  • Research Institute
Republic of North Macedonia
Geographical focus
  • SEE
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Anna Sirocco on April 12, 2016
Modified on April 12, 2016