Tirana Institute of Economic Research


Tirana Institute of Economic Research – TIER – is a research center, established in Albania in October 2013. Our mission is to contribute to better economic and social development policies and Euro integration of Albania through applied research in economics and inter-disciplinary fields, the use of ICT, and dissemination of economic knowledge. TIER promotes evidence-based development and encourages dialogue and cooperation among research community, economic actors, and policymakers in Albania and the Western Balkan region.

TIER is a team of people with proven academic and professional experience in the fields of economics, mathematics, finance, political science, ICT, management of development projects, etc.


Our objectives include:

1. To facilitate and conduct applied research in economics and inter-disciplinary fields;

2. To carry out studies and analysis contributing to the debate on economic policies, institutional development, and European integration of Albania and the Western Balkan;

3. To promote and use information technology as a tool to business development and good governance;

4. To become a source of knowledge and assistance to business community;

5. To facilitate dissemination of knowledge and promote public understanding of economics, finance, and social sciences in general;

6. To promote knowledge sharing and partnership among research community in Albania and the region.

  • Research Institute
Contact details
E-Mail: itanku@tier-see.org
Mobile:355 683284116
Address:Rr. "Nasi Pavllo", Pall.5, Apt. 26 Tirana
Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Irma Tanku on April 2, 2014
Modified on April 23, 2014