Institute of industrial relations


Institute of Industrial Relations is independent and nonprofit think tank organization, active in the field of social sciences and humanities. The Institute gathers experts whose field of scientific interest are economics, law, social politics, management, security as well as other field in relation to industrial relations.

Our vision of free society is based on individual freedom and the rule of law. Therefore, we regard Institute as a referent institution in the field of industrial relation, which is establishing and promoting good practice and professional ethics through academic work, providing services and partner cooperation with relevant stakeholders.

Institute’s mission is improvement of democracy, market economy, social development, environment and international cooperation through advancement of theory and practice of industrial relations, as an interdisciplinary field.

In its work, the Institute as its postulate uses the principle of professionalism, veneration of human rights and freedom, tolerance and mutual respect. Areas of work of the Institute are:

  • Academic work;
  • Public policy and strategic documents creation;
  • Cooperation with employers and their organizations, trade unions, public bodies, universities, professional and other organizations in the country and abroad;
  • Providing consulting and other expert services;
  • Organizing scientific and professional events, councelling, seminars and other forms of education;
  • Creating and implementing public advocacy campaigns;
  • Publishing.

Institute’s goals are:

  • Improving theory and practice of industrial relations;
  • Creation od neutral legal system, institutions and free market;
  • Enhancing capacities and legality of social partners organizations;
  • Founding and development of social dialogue based on the principle of voluntarism;
  • International cooperation and integration development, with establishing the full freedom of movement of people, goods, services and capital.
  • Research Institute
Contact details
Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Marko Vucenovic on January 21, 2014
Modified on March 21, 2014