Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship CR (AIE CR)


AIE CR is voluntary association of natural persons delegated by the members of AIE CR who have place of business (registered place) in the Czech Republic. Member of AIE CR can be also foreign entities.

Main activity AIE CR is:

Research and development in the field of innovative entrepreneurship that is research, development and innovation, technology transfer, new materials and technologies, science and technology parks, innovative firms, innovative processes, innovative infrastructure, innovative potential and conditions for functional innovative market by respecting regulations of the European Union frame (frame of partnership for state research, development and innovation grants) and other municipal ordinance and legal enactments.

AIE CR´s other activity objectives are focused on granting and development of the main activity and consist in:

  • Assurance of skill change by innovative entrepreneurship development in AIE CR and other domestic and foreign members activities in the frame of System of innovative entrepreneurship CR;
  • Maintaining co-operation with central institutions of the state administration and the CR Parliament regarding innovative entrepreneurship, submits proposals for supporting programs in the field of innovative entrepreneurship and in agreement with the carriers of the approved programs ensures their accomplishment and evaluation;
  • Working together with strategic partners in the area of innovative entrepreneurship and, in exceptional cases becomes a member of domestic legal entities, that might substantially help the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the Czech Republic;
  • Developing innovative entrepreneurship, where AIE CR lobbies of institutions and individuals including members of government and parliament, representatives of scientific and research institutes, of industry, private sector, regional administration, chambers, banks and other prospective parties;
  • Initiating legislative and organisational prerequisites for development of innovative entrepreneurship, promoting this philosophy in mass communication media; publishing the journal Innovative Entrepreneurship & Technology Transfer;
  • Co-operating with entrepreneurial and employers associations;
  • Participating in preparation of experts for innovative entrepreneurship;
  • Cultivating research, education, advisory, information, editorial, study and publishing activities in the area of innovative entrepreneurship;
  • Ensuring activities of Information Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer AIE CR, Innovation Agency AIE CR, Centre of Research and Education AIE CR, International Innovative Centre CR, Club of Innovation Firms AIE CR including presentations and participations in exhibitions, fairs, conferences, symposia and seminars;
  • Ensuring organisation of Innovation of the Year Award;
  • Creating conditions for the raising of risks capital, submitting proposals for financing of technological and innovation projects;
  • Carrying out activities in the area of innovative entrepreneurship:
    -membership in international non-government organisation focused on research, development and innovation; preparation, implementation and evaluation projects in the field of international science-technological co-operation; access to international programs.
  • Association/NGO
Czech Republic
Contact details
Phone:+420 221 082 275
Address:Novotného lávka 5, 116 68 Praha
Country:Czech Republic
Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Related users

Entry created by Danaja Lorencic on January 7, 2013
Modified on January 7, 2013