University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences offers more than 100 study programs. From 2005/2006 Faculty offers new programs (total 75 programs) in accordance with the Bologna process (42 BA and 33 MA programs).

There are two models of study programs: single major (all courses belong to one program) and double majors (student studies in two equally important programs for equal degrees in both of them). Single major programs are Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy, Information Science, History, Comparative literature, Croatian language and literature and English language and literature; double major programs are Philosophy, Archaeology, History, History of Art, Sociology, Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Comparative literature, Croatian language and literature, Pedagogy, Linguistics, Phonetics and languages and literatures (English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Rumanian, Spanish, Swedish, Classic Philology (Greek and Latin), Turkish, Indology, East, West and South Slavic languages). Faculty has more than 700 employees, with more than 500 academic staff as well as more then 600 part-time lecturers.

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities has an Office for International cooperation established which is taking care of international agreements, teachers and students exchange and administrative and informative support for applying and participating in international projects. FFZG has been and still is involved in 23 projects under different EU and non-EU programs (6th and 7th framework programs, TEMPUS, CIP, CEI, LLP and other). For the last decade, FFZG Library was actively involved in building Croatian scientific information systems. Library has vast experience in managing library data also in developing and implementing different open source software tools. Members of "Croatian data archive initiative" formed in 2005, recognised the FFZG Library as potentially the best place for future establishment of data archive for social sciences in Croatia.

Source: FFZG

  • Higher Education
Contact details
Phone:+ 386 1/6120-017
Address:Ivana Lučića 3, 10000 Zagreb
Geographical focus
  • Croatia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Danaja Lorencic on November 8, 2012
Modified on November 8, 2012