Institute of Biomedical Research, Montenegro


The Institute of Biomedical Research was founded in early 2010, in partnership with the Government of Montenegro. It is located in Podgorica, the capital city of Montenegro.

The Institute of Biomedical Research is a private venture institution committed primarily to the protection and improvement of the health and well-being of the people of Montenegro, through:

·         Regulatory control of industrial activities and products

·         Scientific surveillance of the living environment

·         Research and development of new biomedical products and technologies

·         Regulatory evaluation and certification of new biomedical products

·         Fundamental scientific research and postgraduate education, and

·         Development of new diagnostic methods and innovative experimental medical treatments.

The concept of the Institute is based over 22 years of relevant professional experience of its founding company BioMedco Inc. from Montreal, Canada, motivating its goal of becoming the European reference institution for biomedical research and analytical services.

The ongoing development plan of the Institute's polyvalent laboratory business ventures extends to diversified activities and sophisticated services, from quality control of pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food products, to biomedical and environmental studies, as well as major long-term scientific research projects, including the follow-up on the environmental impact on the public health.

Regulatory certifications of new biomedical products, along with the development of new diagnostic technologies and innovative experimental medical treatments, provided by Institute's team of experts, also constitute important business activities.

Contact person:

Drasko D. Pekovic, President


  • Research Institute
Geographical focus
  • Montenegro
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Danaja Lorencic on October 22, 2012
Modified on October 22, 2012