IPKO Foundation


The IPKO foundation provides scholarships to university students in Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244) who are pursuing a field of study with a digital vision. This might be an economics students working on the potential for the IT field on economic development, a political scientist studying the impact of technology on democracy, a law student focused on intellectual property rights, a sociology student studying the impact of digital living on family ties, a graphic design student working with digital media or a computer science student focused on the next generation of handhelds.

Contact Person:
Abetare Gojani, Project Manager
E-mail: abetare.gojani@ipkofoundation.org

Further contact details are provided below.

  • Agency/Fund
Contact details
E-Mail: info@ipkofoundation.org
Phone:+386 49 630 003
Address:Sheshi Nëna Terezë, Prishtina
Geographical focus
  • Kosovo*
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Marko Groboljsek on June 27, 2012
Modified on April 24, 2013