Centre for Research, Development and Continuing Education: Mechanical Engineering Systems - Centre of Excellence


In order to remedy deficiencies of the Macedonian manufacturing companies to integrate advanced engineering technology into the production process, CIRKO-MES was founded at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FME), Skopje in 2005 with support of USAID. To achieve this objective, CIRKO-MES provides access to new technology (3D modelling, 3D printing) and training (CAD, CAM, Solid Works, etc.) to partner companies in order to enhance their capabilities, increase the quality of their products and improve their production process. Furthermore, CIRKO-MES gives its members the opportunity to join a network of Macedonian manufactures enabling cooperation, coordination and exchange.

Contact Person:
Dr. Zvonimir Kostic, Director
E-mail: kostic@mf.edu.mk

Further contact details are provided below.

  • Cluster/Incubator/Innovation Infrastructure
Republic of North Macedonia
Contact details
E-Mail: info@cirko-mes.com
Phone:+389 2 3099 409
Fax:+389 2 3099 408
Address:CIRKO-MES Centre of Excellence, Mechanical faculty, Karpos II bb,, 1000 Skopje
Country:Republic of North Macedonia
Geographical focus
  • Republic of North Macedonia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Marko Groboljsek on June 19, 2012
Modified on June 19, 2012