Ministry of Economy (MoE), Department for Industrial Policy


The Ministry of Economy of the FYR of Macedonia is the responsible institution for creating and implementing documents and programs regarding: Economic policy, Industrial policy, SME competitiveness and innovation enhancement. The drafting of an “Innovation Policy for the Republic 2012-2020” is foreseen in the work programme 2011 of the MoE. This document will be generated with the technical assistance of the OECD and will contain insights about conditions and needs in the field of innovation as well as measures and recommendations for its promotion. The government of the FYR of Macedonia pursues also an active cluster policy. In January 2010, a Programme for the development and support of cluster association in the FYR of Macedonia was adopted. Its main objectives were to prepare a guide for clusters, conduct awareness-raising seminars for clustering and provide support
for projects of cluster association.

There are few departments within the MoE that are dealing with innovation in different segments. The department for Industrial Policy is responsible for the
creation and follow-up of the implementation of the Industrial Policy of the FYR of Macedonia. This strategic document was adopted by the Government in June 2009, as a proactive and integrated document. There are defined five areas of intervention: applied research and development and innovation, international cooperation and FDI enhancement, eco friendly technologies, products and services, development of SMEs and entrepreneurship, cooperation of clusters and networks. A detailed implementation plan will be created to allow for a successful implementation and coordination of industrial policy. Due to the fact that many competences are within different ministries and institutions, significant coordination and cooperation is necessary. Recently, the Ministerial Committee for Competitiveness and Interministerial expert group that was created with USAID support in 2005, was reorganised.

The Industry policy department worked with the department for Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness of SMEs jointly to create the Innovation Score Board4 and define the further detailed implementation schedule related to all areas of intervention within the Industrial Policy including Innovation enhancement. It is envisaged to involve many other development stakeholders in these activities for further dialogue and consultation.

Contact persons:
Kiro Spandzhev, Assistant Head of Department of Industrial Policy

Jasmina Majstoroska, Advisor at the Industrial Policy Unit

Further contact details are provided below.


Department / Unit
Department for Industrial Policy
  • Government/Ministry
Republic of North Macedonia
Contact details
Phone:+389 2 3093 408
Address:Jurij Gagarin 15, 1000 Skopje
Country:Republic of North Macedonia
Geographical focus
  • Republic of North Macedonia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Engineering and Technology

Entry created by Marko Groboljsek on June 14, 2012
Modified on June 14, 2012