Business and Innovation Centre for Mariculture (MARIBIC), University of Dubrovnik


The University of Dubrovnik is the youngest of six Croatian universities and the first which is fully organized according to Bologna Convention and the new trends in higher education. The Department for Aquaculture was established to execute education activities and RTD projects in the field of aquaculture and coastal zone management. Beside this, the University is co-founder (67% ownership) of the Research and Development Center for Mariculture in Ston, famous for ancient shellfish culture activity. The University is also owner (100%) of „Dalmacijabilje maricultura” limited company producing fish and shellfish in own farms. Through this established system, the University cooperates with all levels of aquaculture, through fundamental research, education, RTD and business, in Croatia and abroad.
The Research and Development Centre for Mariculture was transformed in 2008 into the Business and Innovation Centre for Mariculture (MARIBIC). The new centre is financially supported by the BICRO in order to be transformed into the modern technological centre for mariculture in Croatia. The total amount of support is around €2.8m for 3.5 years.

The MARIBIC is a part of the Dubrovnik University and provides several types of services to various groups of stakeholders. Regarding scientific research activities MARIBIC runs research projects with domestic and foreign scientific institutions, with producers and their organizations and local governments. Regarding education the center provides practical trainings of students and entrepreneurs, on scientific equipment for incubation. The scientific equipment include: lemon balm for fish and shellfish, shellfish and fish hatchery, larval rearing facilities, facility for production of phytoplankton and zooplankton, floating cages for fish farming, recirculation systems for fish farming, the installation of shellfish farming and long-line system for the cultivation of shellfish. Moreover, MARIBIC provides business service activities for start up businesses entities and services for their growth. Organization of seminars and presentations of experts in various fields of aquaculture is an important activity of the MARIBIC as well as a continuous training and informing producers about new technologies, trends, equipment, marketing and issues of local aquaculture industry.

Contact Person:
Jura Jug-Dujaković, Director

Further contact details are provided below.

  • Cluster/Incubator/Innovation Infrastructure
Contact details
Address:Bistrina bb, 20230 Ston
Geographical focus
  • Croatia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Marko Groboljsek on May 29, 2012
Modified on June 6, 2012