News archive - [Event Announcement] 34th EAIR Forum 2012 Stavanger: "The Social Contract of Higher Education" - Registration now open!

The EAIR Forum 2012 Stavanger will take place from September 5-8, 2012 at the University of Stavanger, Norway. The early bird registration deadline is July 1, 2012.

Overview Tracks:

  • Education as a vehicle of social justice
  • Policy development for knowledge enhancement
  • Higher education in a competitive world
  • Promoting higher education in decades of open access
  • Student experience: Attractive learning and teaching
  • Management and governance: Friend or foe?
  • Institutional research: Measuring effectiveness in higher education

On each day of the Forum, a plenary keynote address will be given on one of the main Forum themes. There are four distinguished speakers that have accepted the challenge to address questions relating to the Forum theme in plenary lectures. Further information on the keynote speakers can be found here.

Registration has to be made online. For the EAIR Forum 2012 Stavanger registration form, please go to:

For more information regarding the Forum registration, please go to:

Further information on EAIR can be founde here.


Source: Email by Gerlof Groenewoud, Office Manager EAIR

Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Anngrit Pichler on April 23, 2012
Modified on April 23, 2012