News archive - [Event Announcement & Call for Papers] International Symposium on Current Trends in Plant Protection 2012
The program of the Symposium held in Belgrade on September 25-28, 2012 includes topics related to current issues and trends in plant protection, with emphasis on novel research methods. The Symposium will feature ESENIAS Workshop – Managing Invasive Alien Species in SEE countries: the way ahead, which is a continuation of series of workshops on invasive species in the Western Balkan countries and as of this year, in wider area of the South Eastern Europe.
The papers that will be presented at the Symposium should be related to the following area(s):
- Herbology
- Phytopathology
- Entomology
- Phytopharmacy
- Nematology
- Zoology
The ESENIAS Workshop – Managing Invasive Alien Species in SEE countries: the way ahead will focus on discussion about further steps in creation of the regional list of invasive species (availability and sharing of information, project activities), current practices in management of invasive species (elimination, control measures, characterization of invasiveness) and monitoring of invasive species.
Please register to the Symposium by sending an e-mail with the following information (title of the paper and author’s name) to by April 20, 2012.
The Scientific Committee of the Symposium will review the received titles and inform authors about the accepted papers and presentation procedure. The full-length papers in English (consisting of at least 3 pages – around 6000 characters with spaces) are due by June 15, 2012.
The papers will be published in the Proceedings of the Symposium, as a special issue of the magazine Plant Protection. The papers will be peer-reviewed by the international Scientific Committee and categorised as M33 papers (according to the rules of the Ministry of Education and Science). The presenters can speak in English or Serbian language, but the presentation must be prepared in English. In addition to verbal presentation, the papers will be included in the Poster section as well.
For further information please download the Symposium Information (see below) or go to:
- International; Other
- Western Balkans
- Natural Sciences
Entry created by Anngrit Pichler on April 12, 2012
Modified on April 12, 2012