News archive - [Event Announcement] ERA Conference 2012


From 13 September until 30 November 2011, the European Commission ran a public consultation on the ERA Framework which has collected the views of a broad range of research stakeholders on the main bottlenecks to creating a genuine single market for knowledge, research and innovation. These views need to be taken into account in preparing the Commission's ERA Framework proposal.

The ERA conference on January 30, 2012 is an important milestone in the ongoing preparations of the ERA Framework. In it, the responses to public consultation and their implications will be presented and discussed. The event will provide a platform for prominent stakeholders to testify and discuss further where they see major bottlenecks and help to mobilise a broad consensus and support for the way forward via the ERA Framework.


In the European Council conclusions of 4 February 2011, the Heads of State and Government called on the EU to rapidly address remaining obstacles to complete the European Research Area by 2014. In response, the Commission intends to propose a European Research Area (ERA) Framework in 2012.

The Conference will be opened by the Research and Innovation Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn. It will gather around 400 participants from the broader research stakeholder community.

The event will start with two plenary sessions, one giving prominence to the perspectives of different research stakeholders – researchers, research performing organisations, funders, etc., and one aimed at assessing the economic implications of completing ERA in terms of growth and innovation.

These will be followed by six thematic sessions on the main ERA issues and obstacles identified in the Innovation Union Communication – i.e. researchers, cross-border operation of research, research infrastructures, international dimension, knowledge transfer and open access.

The ERA Conference will be an opportunity to:

  • discover the main outcome of the public consultation and discuss their implications with a wide cross-section of the EU research stakeholder community
  • engage in and contribute to the research policy debate with high-level research stakeholder representatives and policy-makers, top researchers and business leaders
  • develop and deepen the consensus and commitment to act much more purposely than has been the case to date to complete ERA, and on how to do this in an efficient and effective way.

Draft agenda:

8:30 Registration

8:45-9:10 Welcome Coffee

9:00-9:30 Opening session

9:30-10:45 Monitoring the ERA partnership : progress to date and next steps

10:45-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:00 Panel Discussion : Relevance of ERA for innovation and growth

Parallel sessions

12:00-13:00 Cross-border operation of research actors

12:00-13:00 Research Infrastructures

13:00-14:30 Lunch (hot and cold buffet and cocktail)

14:30-15:45 Researchers – Why the European Research Area?

14:30-15:45 Knowledge circulation : Knowledge Transfer

15:45-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-17:00 International dimension of ERA : need to tackle jointly the societal challenges?

16:00-17:00 Knowledge circulation : Open access

17:00-17:45 Concluding session

17:45 Networking cocktail

The deadline for registration is 20 January 2012.



Date: 30 January 2012 from to

Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Elke Dall on January 20, 2012
Modified on December 15, 2011