News archive - Promoting WBC-INCO.NET News - Everybody is invited!

We would like to explicitly invite all our readers to join us promoting this portal as a primary source of information on news, events, calls and relevant documents and contacts in relation to science, technology and innovation activities and policies.

Please feel invited to promote the link to WBC-INCO.NET ( on your websites and please find the logo of the project in attachment so that you may use it to put it on your site together with the link. We would be more than happy if you could inform us about the websites which link to our project.

In order to provide you with a description of our project, please refer to the "about" section, which is also available in local languages.

Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Elke Dall on November 10, 2009
Modified on November 10, 2009