News archive - [CfP/Event Announcement] Sign in Now for the 10th International Conference of the Political Science Research Centre Forum: "Digital Democracy"

The 10th International Conference of the Political Science Research Centre Forum: "Digital Democracy", organised by the Political Science Research Centre, Zagreb, Croatia and the Scientific Forum, Zagreb, Croatia & University of Dubrovnik will take place on September 30, 2011 in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Deadline for applications and paper proposals: June 1, 2011.

The Political Science Research Centre (PSRC) and Scientific Forum are organising the 10th international conference of the Political Science Research Centre Forum, as part of a global academic network.

The idea of this project is to create a global academic network in the field of social sciences which will actively take part in creation of new insights and knowledge, through the use of contemporary  information technologies. The network comprises worldwide academics, members of the PSRC Forum. 

The main goal of the PSRC Forum international conference Digital Democracy is to offer insight into academic understanding of transformation of politics under the influence of new information-communication technologies. Particular attention will be given to development of digital democracy and culture, as well as to political parties, public institutions and the civil society in a digital environment. By encouraging a multidisciplinary debate, the conference wishes to enable a broader academic insight into these

A plenary lecture will be given by *Pippa Norris* (JFK School of Government, Harvard University) via a videolink from Sydney, Australia. The title of the lecture is /Cosmopolitan Communications/.

List of specific topics as guidelines for paper proposals and further discussion:

·Digital democracy and culture

·Models of democracy and digital democracy as a new model

·New media, social networks and digital democracy

·Digital political culture

·Digital political education and socialization

·Social networks and political mobilization

·Actors and processes

·Political parties in a digital era

·Digital democracy and political parties

·Simulation of politics through new media

·Usage of new media and social networks in political communication

·Ideologies and policies of digital space

·Elections and e-voting

·Political campaigns in a digital environment

·Construction of image and content in political party programs

·Digitalization of electoral campaigns

·Visibility in the digital space

·Public institutions



·Digitalization of public administratiion

·Civil society

·Civil society and digital democracy

·Political extremism, rassism and xenophobia in social networks

·Globalization of politics and digital democracy

·ICT and globalization of politics

·Digital democracy and the EU

·Digital divide

The topics listed shall form the core of the conference. However, paper proposals which feature other issues that are related to the mentioned topics will also be accepted.

Venue: The conference will take place in Dubrovnik, Croatia, at the University of Dubrovnik. The conference will be held on Friday, 30 September, starting at 9 AM.  The organizers will provide a detailed schedule and program well in advance.

Application and Papers:

Application forms and paper proposal forms are available for download on the organisers' website.

Please e-mail your applications to: viseslav.raos (at) All applications and paper proposals must
be in English.


The conference fee is 50 •. It covers the costs of a joint dinner party, conference materials and coffee breaks.

The working language of the conference is English.


For additional information please contact:

Viseslav Raos, junior research assistent, contact person Political Science Research Centre

Phone/Fax: +385 1 3863 113

E-mail: viseslav.raos (at)




Date: 30 September 2011 from to

Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on May 30, 2011
Modified on March 15, 2011