News archive - Event Review: European Presidency Conference on Innovation and Clusters

On 22-23 January 2008, the Swedish Government in collaboration with the Slovenian EU Presidency hosted the European Presidency Conference on Innovation and Clusters in Stockholm. The conference was attented by over 420 cluster practiitioners and policy-makers who met to discuss the importance of developing coherent cluster policy frameworks in order to accelerate cluster development and create world-leading clusters in Europe.

Deputy Prime Minister Maud Olofsson(Sweden), Minister for Economy Andrej Vizjak(Slovenia), Vice-Predsident, Commisioner Günter Verheugen(European Commision) and Minister of State Hervé Novelli(France, together with deputy ministers and state secretaries from the Czech Republic, Italy, Norway and Spain, discussed national and European priorities on innovation and cluster policies as important instruments in improving European competitivness.

An important input to the discussion was the European Cluster Memorandum, prepared in November 2007 by a High Level Advisory group on clusters established by the European Commision. The Memorandum, to be signed by regional and other cluster-relevant organisations in Europe by July 2008, seeks a strong commitment from public stakeholders at all levels to support cluster development further in their territories, and to join their forces at EU level to better address global challenges. The Memorandum based on the mappings provided by the European Cluster Observatory and on contribitions from the European Cluster Alliance, intends to be an alternative governance procedure where practioners advise policy-makers on how to establish new innovative policy frameworks for trans-regional European cluster cooperation, leading to improved European global competitivness.

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Entry created by Elke Dall on May 8, 2008
Modified on May 8, 2008