News archive - BiH: Higher Education Cooperation Board Meeting

The NGO Comittee - Higher Education Cooperation Board - held a meeting in Sarajevo, BiH on December 7, 2007. The gathering of NGO's dealing with higher education is aimed at information exchange in order to avoid overlapping of acitivities.

Representatives of several NGO's delivered presentations about their activities during 2007. However, most interest arouse the presentation of Aida Duric, representative of the Ministry of Civil Affairs that is in charge of higher education on the state level. She presented the current initiatives of the Ministry in the field of higher education. Further presenters were

  • WUS Austria, delivered by Nina Lacevic
  • SUS BiH, delivered by Lejla Sahacic
  • NCP FP7, delivered by Dina Masnik
  • CIVITAS, delivered by Rizah Smailbegovic

Edin Jahic from the TEMPUS office informed on the approval of TEMPUS IV which was assessed as really good news for the BH academic community. Dino Ðipa, representative of the Center for Policy Studies presented the work of his organisation. The event was hosted by Dino Mujkic, WUS Austria regional manager and Haris Muhic, SUS BiH director.

Due to the fact that the NGO Comittee gathers various organisations not only from the NGO sector, but also from the governmental sector such as ministries, embassies and international organizations, Haris Muhic proposed to change the name into Higher Education Conference. After a fruitful discussion and several suggestions, the participants agreed to change the name into Higher Education Cooperation Board that will preserve the good tradition of the NGO Comittee. They also agreed to reassemble more frequently in the future in accordance with the needs at hand and to exchange time tables in order to be better informed about each other's activities.

All interested parties are welcome to join the Higher Education Cooperation Board.

Source:, WUS Austria

Entry created by Elke Dall on December 10, 2007
Modified on December 27, 2007