News archive - [Event Review] Opportunities for doing Health research in Third Countries. Access4EU info-session

On June 9,  2011 two info-sessions took place in Brussels, both with the aim to promote the opportunities for European researchers of doing Health research in Third Countries.

The first info-session was part of the official programme of the FP7 Health Infoday organised by the European Commission. During the parallel session on international cooperation chaired by Mr Indridi Benediktsson (European Commission, DG RTD, Directorate Health Horizontal Aspects and Coordination), representatives of 8 Third Countries presented the research and innovation programmes in their respective countries. The second info-session was organised in cooperation with eight Access4EU projects at Crowne Plaza Europa Hotels. In total, over 90 people participated at this Access4EU dissemination and networking event.

From 17.00h onwards, participants already had the opportunity to meet the country representatives at dedicated 'country tables' and discuss the possibilities for cooperation. At 18.00h, a series of eight 10-minute presentations was initiated. After a quick welcome by Mr Ben Kubbinga (Agency for the Promotion of European Research), Mr Philippe Froissard (European Commission, DG RTD, International Cooperation Projects) explained the rationale behind the Access4EU initiative. Subsequently, the following speakers presented the research opportunities in their respective countries: Mr Gerd Ruecker for Australia, Ms Sharon Irwin for Canada, Mr R.P. Singh for India, Ms Karla Falloon for New Zealand, Ms Natalia Mielech for Russia, Ms Sinead Quigley for South Korea, Mr Iqbal Parker for South Africa and Mr David Bruce Conn for the USA.
Agenda, list of participants and presentations and further information are available at Access4EU web site.
Source: Email from Ben Kubbinga (Agency for the Promotion of European Research)
Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other
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Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on June 16, 2011
Modified on June 16, 2011