News archive - International Summer University Programme 2009: Scholarships Available

The Summer University Programme of the Centre international de formation européenne that still has a few places available in different Eastern European cities and in Turkey.

A limited number of scholarships is available to particularly qualified candidates.

This year’s courses will take place in:

* Istanbul, Turkey, in cooperation with Istanbul Bilgi University
July 15th to August 2nd, 2009
”The relations between Europe and Turkey”
Working language: English
This Summer University is realised with the financial support of the Robert Bosch Stiftung

* Opole/Berlin/Strasbourg (Poland/Germany/France)
September 15th to 25th, 2009
”National minorities: today and tomorrow”
Working language: German

* Schloss Hofen (Bregenz), Austria
North American European Summer Academy
July 19th to August 4th, 2009
” The relations between Europe and North America”
Working language: English

* Zadar (Croatia)
July 19th to 25th , 2009
”L’action de l’Union européenne pour l’environnement et les changements climatiques: enjeux et perspectives”
Working language: French

* Chisinau/Vadul Lui Voda (Moldova)
September 17th to 24th, 2009
”La region de la Mer Noire dans la nouvelle Europe élargie”
Working language: French

* Sofia/Silistra (Bulgaria)
September 10th to 17th, 2009
”L’Europe des Droits”
Working language: French

For inquiries and applications please consult
or contact the Director of the Summer University Programme, Marie-France Perdigon at

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on June 15, 2009
Modified on June 15, 2009