News archive - Euroscience Confers "European Young Researchers’ Award" to Doctoral Candidates and Early Post Doctorates

Euroscience, a pan-European association of individuals interested in constructing scientific Europe "from the bottom-up", annually confers a "European Young Researchers’ Award" to doctoral candidates and early post doctorates for demonstrating outstanding research performance as well as deep insight of the European Research Area. It is the only award which inspires doctoral candidates to think ‘European’ by incorporating the European level into their research.

The deadline for nominations is April 15, 2010.

The project needs to have a link to the European Research Area, e.g have a European dimension. It can be a cooperation in between different European countries or a research project in one European country that touches upon the European level of what it is investigating.

The definition of young researcher in this context is all persons preparing a PhD, with two years of experience, until five years after the end of the PhD. The candidate should be maximum 32 years old and the project language should be English.

The selection committee will look for originality, creativity and productivity as well as for an outstanding body of scholarly or creative activities that has gained national and European recognition. Factors considered will also include the scope and difficulty of the research, degree of innovation and independent thought, development of new ideas, techniques and methodology, and the significance of the candidate's research or creative activity to his or her field. 

Award Procedures and Conditions
The prize-giving-ceremony will be held biannually in the ESOF city in the frame of the Career Programme, which is a continuous part of the ESOF editions. However, if there is a lack of outstanding candidates, an award may not be granted.

The Award consists of a Medal and a Certificate. A part of the award will be monetary in the form of a travel and accommodation grant for the stay in the ESOF city.

Source and further information:,34531,en.html, as accessed on March 11, 2020.

Geographical focus
  • Europe
Related organisations

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on March 11, 2010
Modified on March 11, 2010