News archive - Call for Papers on Competitive Growth of the Adriatic/Danube/Black Sea Region

Est-Ovest, a non-profit, Italian-based abstracted and peer-reviewed quarterly online journal, is calling for papers on competitive growth of the Adriatic/Danube/Black Sea region in the new global economy. Deadline for submission of abstract proposals: March 1, 2010.

Papers shoud analyse the conditions under which the Adriatic/Danube/Black Sea region can develop an even more integrated and competitive economy, whilst the crisis unfolds and policy measures are taken. 

Two large areas are of particular interest: (1) reaching a better understanding of the past to ensure a more solid growth and stability for the future and (2) identifying the institutional structure that is better suited to support the revitalisation of the region over the crisis (for old and new Member States, as well as for current and potential candidates).

Potential areas of interest are reaching from the conditions of the labor markets and the development of human resources to the state of logistics and accessibility, the industrial culture and the degree of R&D to the span of local governance and the sharing of EU’s principles.

Est-Ovest invites specialists and researchers in …

  • political economy, international economics, industrial economics, finance, demography, statistics, labor economics, development economics, economic policy
  • transport economics, regional economics, agrarian economics, economics of energy sources, environmental economics
  • European integration law, European institutions, regional institutions law, local development governance, evaluation techniques

… to contribute selected articles that will appear in the 2010 online issues of Est-Ovest.

International conference

In relation to the development of the call, Est-Ovest plans to launch a final event (in autumn 2010) in the form of an International Conference to highlight, in collaboration with the authors of the selected articles and other experts, various aspects of the regional economic situation and their geo-political implications.

For all further information, please consult the attached pdf file.

Source: EST-OVEST.


Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • International; Other
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia
  • application/pdf Call (pdf, 304.48Kb)

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on February 2, 2010
Modified on February 2, 2010