News archive - Call for Research and Innovation to Boost Europe’s SMEs
A call for proposals has been launched under the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme for research and development (FP7) that aims to help SMEs become more innovative. The call will help SMEs which do not have the capacity to undertake research themselves to commission work from R&D performers such as universities, research centres and industrial companies. Deadline: December 3, 2009.
The “Research for SMEs” call has a budget of €136.84 million and falls under FP7’s 2010 Capacities Work Programme: Research for the Benefit of SMEs.
The programme’s goal is to strengthen innovation capacities in European SMEs and improve their contribution to the development of new technologies. Project bids for this call can address any research topic in the field of science and technology, but they must be centred on the innovation needs of the SMEs that are outsourcing their research requirements. Projects should aim to produce new knowledge and results that can be harnessed to develop or improve products, processes or services for participating SMEs.
To be eligible under the scheme, a consortium must include at least three independent SMEs from three different EU Member States or Associated Countries. They must also include two R&D performers independent of any other participant.
Further information is available in the Call section.
Source: European commission.
- International; Other
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 7, 2009
Modified on October 7, 2009