News archive - Call CoOperate Enlarged - Vienna 2008

The currently open Call for Proposals “CoOperate Enlarged – Vienna 2008” aims at enlarging the potential of research and innovation in the region through cooperation projects between Central European and Eastern European countries (including South Eastern European!), as well as between science and economy.
A total of 1.5 million euros is being provided by the Call, and the best projects can receive allowances in the amount of maximum 500.000 euros, as well as additional trophy money.
Deadline for the call is June 5, 2008.

The Call is a promotion of research and development at operational level. The projects have to show efforts in research and development, and be assigned to the realm of pre-competitive development according to EU-definition.

What is being promoted?
The call promotes research and development projects of Viennese companies and company founders that are carried out with one or more partner companies (or research institutions) from Central European and Eastern European countries. The activities have to be based on the companies own research and development work.
The call adresses projects from all technology sectors.
The joint R&D-activities have to result in new or explicitly better production, processes or services with clear economic utility.
The funding includes labour costs and costs for consultancy services in the area of R&D. A special financial bonus is available for projects with female leadership.

Target countries for this call are all Western Balkan countries (Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) but also Bulgaria and Romania as well as the Central European countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Slowenia), Malta, Cyprus, Turkey and Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Moldavia, Ukraine, Belorussia and finally Russia.
Project coordinators have to be located in Vienna, Austria. Funding is provided by the City of Vienna.

Further information:

Manuela Schein,

Entry created by Martina Lindorfer on February 7, 2008
Modified on February 8, 2008