News archive - Vote for the SCORE – WBC-INCO.NET networking session at ICT 2008
WBC-INCO.NET has joined forces with the project SCORE (“Strengthening the Strategic Cooperation Between the EU and Western Balkan Region in the field of ICT”- who is a chosen exhibitor at the conference ICT 2008 in Lyon on November 25-27, 2008) to submit a common proposal for a networking session on the ICT research priorities for strategic cooperation with the Western Balkan Region. This networking session needs now the support of the community to be selected and we would like to ask our readers to assist us by briefly expressing the interest in such networking activities which target to raise the awareness on the cooperation potential in the Western Balkans.
This networking session would constitute a chance for EU and WB ICT research actors to investigate real cooperation opportunities in these fields: ICT for Government & eGovernment; Internet & broadband technologies; ICT for Enterprise & eBusiness; ICT for learning & eLearning. The participants would be likewise able to confront each other on the still existing barriers from the WBC side to an effective ICT R&D collaboration, so as to put forward remedial actions and reforms to support and leverage future EU FP initiatives, taking full advantage of them.
To be finally selected by the European Commission, the SCORE - WBC-INCO.NET proposal needs to be supported by the ICT community.
Please support us and comment/rate our session by clicking on:
Note that you need to be registered to comment on a networking session. It takes only 3 minutes to do so.
Here is the registration webpage:
The SCORE and WBC-INCO.NET teams thank you for your kind support, and look forward to meeting you in Lyon at ICT 2008 !
Entry created by Elke Dall on August 11, 2008
Modified on July 30, 2008