News archive - Event Announcement: INNO-vention Final Conference

The final conference of the INNO-vention project will be held in Brussels, on May 28, 2008 in combination with the 3rd Annual Public Conference of the European Technology Platform (held on May 29, 2008).

A range of industry speakers are scheduled for the 3rd Annual Public Conference of the European Technology Platform to describe their own experiences and business success cases in the field of Mass Customisation. The European Commission will present its policies and programmes to support more Research & Innovation in the industrial sector in general and the textile and clothing sector in particular.

This event will be preceded on May 28 by a full-day conference which includes the final conference of the Inno-Vention project, an INNOV 7 action co-funded by the European Commission (DG Enterprise) under the Sixth Framework Programme.

During this conference, project coordinator and partners will present success cases in the field of Transnational Technology Transfer. The project has been focused on three peculiar industrial sectors: aerospace, automotive and textile.

Thanks to the collaboration of more than 20 industrial and academic partners, INNO-vention consortium has been able to test and evaluate several techniques to be applied to technology transfer action.
The results of the project will be presented to all the stakeholders, industrial and academic actors who will attend the conference.

Attendance of the conference including lunch and cocktail is free of charge.

Registrations are handled on a first come, first served basis.

Further information:

Nicola Bergonzi, APRE

Source: CORDIS Wire

Entry created by Elke Dall on April 22, 2008
Modified on April 23, 2008