News archive - Call for nominations for the European Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Social Sciences and Humanities
The Central European University (Hungary) has launched a European Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Social Science and Humanities that aims to contribute to promoting teaching and excellence in Europe. To be eligible for the award the candidate must be an academic instructor in the social sciences and/or humanities and currently teaching at a higher education institution in a European Higher Education Area (EHEA) member country. Nominations for candidates for the award must be submitted by October 15, 2011.
In recent years, strong emphasis has been placed at the European level on research in higher education. Research-related activities and achievements have attracted particular attention and recognition, illustrated by the creation of European funding programs and awards for research.
The focus on research has become stronger and stronger as universities in Europe have been increasingly perceived as major players in the economy, and their primary mission has been redefined to serve directly and immediately the imperatives of the knowledge economy, particularly through the creation of new knowledge that supports growth, innovation, competitiveness, and economic and social development. This trend is evident in policies introduced in Europe within the frameworks of the Lisbon Agenda (now extended as the Europe 2020 Strategy) and the Bologna Process.
As a result of the overwhelming focus on research – understood as a direct exercise in knowledge production – attention to teaching and to the more general educational function of higher education institutions has decreased markedly. This is reflected in, among other consequences, severe cuts in the budgets of teaching universities in some countries, in contrast to fewer cuts in national research budgets. This situation is particularly severe in the social sciences and humanities. It is also reflected in the absence of major, systematic initiatives at the European level to recognize the value of teaching.
Recently, however, there have been some encouraging indications that policy makers in Europe are starting to realize that teaching could, should and does play an important role in higher education. This recognizes that, in conjunction with research, knowledge transmission and dissemination, general education and professional training at higher education level have an important role to play in a “knowledge society.”
Although a number of universities offer their own teaching awards and various professional and other associations offer prizes within subject areas, there seem to be no significant pan-European rewards for teaching excellence in higher education. The European Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Social Sciences and Humanities is intended to promote better teaching and the recognition of its importance throughout Europe.
European Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Social Sciences and Humanities
The award winner will receive a prize of 5,000 EUR, paid by an external sponsor and coordinated by Central European University. He/she will also be invited to give a lecture at Central European University, subject to their availability.
For more information on:
- Purpose of the European Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Social Sciences and Humanities
- Selection Criteria for the European Award for Excellence in Teaching
- Eligibility Criteria
- Nomination and Selection Process
please visit: CEU (Central European University)
Source: CEU 20
- European Union (EU 27)
- Western Balkans
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on September 26, 2011
Modified on September 23, 2011