News archive - Event Announcement: 18 Workshops for Enlargement and Integration open at JRC Institute for Energy

JRC Institute for Energy, Petten, the Netherlands is organising 18 Workshops till the end of this year in the fields of New and Renewable Energies, Nuclear Energy, Security of Energy Supply and Medical applications from nuclear research. All these actions are open to the Western Balkans.
Furthermore JRC Energy is recruiting 7 detached National Experts.

New and Renewable Energies

Methods for Alternative Fuel Production from Biomass and Waste II
Date: October 18-19, 2007
Place: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Contact: Mr David Baxter,

Renewable Bioenergy Alternatives for City Transport Applications
Date: October 4-5, 2007
Place: Izmir, Turkey (in collaboration with Ege University)
Contact: Mr David Baxter,

Nuclear Energy

Procedures for effective communicating on EU Operational Experience Feedback
Date: October 11-12, 2007
Place :JRC-IE, Petten, The Netherlands
Contact: Ms Vesselina Ranguelova,

Organisational Models and tools for optimised maintenance programs at Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs)
Date: November 5-8, 2007
Place: JRC-IE, Petten, the Netherlands
Contact: Mr Paolo Contri

The International PHEBUS-FP Experimental Programme in the field of Nuclear Safety
Date: November 29-30, 2007
Place: Bratislava, Slovakia
Contact: Roland Zeyen,
Bela Toth

Use of Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Evaluation of Impact of Ageing Effects on the Safety of Nuclear Power Plants
Date: November 14-16, 2007
Place: Budapest, Hungary
Contact: Mr Andrei Rodionov,

Training & Dissemination Workshop - COVERS & JRC initiative
Date: October 10-11, 2007
Place: Rossendorf, FZR, Germany
Contact: Ms Louise Plunkett,

Recent advanced in radiation embrittlement understanding
Date: November 28-30, 2007
Place: Madrid, Tecnatom premises, Spain
Contact: Ms Beatriz Acosta,

Knowledge Management - Pilot exercise on Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) embrittlement
Date: December 11-13, 2007
Place: JRC-IE, Petten, The Netherlands
Contact: Mr Ulrik von Estorf,

Plant Life Management (PLIM) and safety issues
Date: November 2007, 2 days, tbd
Place: JRC-IE, Petten, The Netherlands
Contact: Mr Nigel Taylor,

Modelling Tools for Multi Scale Modelling of Radiation Embrittlement
Date: October 2007, 5 days, tbd
Place: Mol, Belgium, (SCK local host)
Contact: Mr Luigi Debarberis,

Residual stress: measurements, prediction and relevance for integrity
Date: November 26-28, 2007
Place: JRC-IE, Petten, The Netherlands
Contact: Mrs Louise Plunkett,

European Collaboration for the Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive Waste by Technology Transfer and Shared Facilities
Date: December 10 - 11, 2007
Place: Sofia, Bulgaria
Contact: Dr Karl-Fredrik Nilsson,

Effective Qualification of non-destructive testing (NDT) for Nuclear Components
Date: October 10-12, 2007
Place: Budapest, Hungary
Contact: Dr. Arne ERIKSSON,

Security of Energy Supply

Perspectives for Clean Coal Technologies in an Enlarged EU
Date: November 8-9, 2007
Place: JRC-IE, Petten, The Netherlands
Contact: Mrs Louise Plunkett,

Tools and Methodologies for Planning the Expansion of Electricity Generation Infrastructure
Date: November 22-23, 2007
Place: Nicosia, Cyprus
Contact: Mrs Louise Plunkett,

Medical applications from nuclear research

Clinical Trials for BNCT (new)
Date: October 11-13, 2007
Place: JRC-IE, Petten, The Netherlands
Contact: Mr Ray Moss,

Boron Analysis and Boron Imaging for BNCT (new)
Date: October 25-26, 2007
Place: Bucharest, Romania
Contact: Mr Ray Moss,

Links to all workshops and also to the open positions are available through the JRC Enlargement Website.

In addition the annual meeting of all JRC National Contact Points and Scientific Attaches was held at the Institute in April and Western Balkan countries were represented.

Entry created by Elke Dall on August 8, 2007
Modified on August 8, 2007