News archive - [Call for Papers] Conference: EUROPE 2020: Towards Innovative and Inclusive Union

University American College Skopje holds the sixth annual academic research conference on European integration "EUROPE 2020: Towards Innovative and Inclusive Union" on Thursday May 17, 2012 in FYR of Macedonia.

Abstracts shall be submitted till January 17, 2012.

Prolonged multiple crises in the past years have provoked ever more people to question the viability of the basics of European integration. This inter- and multi-disciplinary one-day conference seeks to analyze the different components of European political and institutional architecture in search for sustainable solutions to the current fundamental challenges of the European Union. Researchers are invited for multidimensional and cross-sectional examinations of the key drivers behind the negative trends in the various areas from finance, economy, social cohesion and environment to education, media and culture. The basic point of departure is our belief that the nations of Europe possess the capabilities to reshape the Union by 2020 and reinvent the attractiveness of the EU model, which is so far considered the most successful instance of economic and political integration in the history of humankind.

Major issues to be addressed include:

  • Federal Europe based on deeper political integration and common economic governance as a solution to the debt and Euro crises vs. revival of economic nationalisms on the continent;
  • Creation of a society of knowledge as a developmental priority;
  • Improving higher education policies in order to cope with the new challenges and global competition;
  • Sustaining information society and reducing the digital gap within Europe as a prerequisite for wider integration;
  • Making multicultural practices an asset, not an obstacle towards building more inclusive communities;
  • Euro-scepticism as a by-product of political (un)accountability and poor delivery of EU institutions, enlargement fatigue of EU members and transitional fatigue of would be members;
  • Western Balkan countries between domestic reform inertia and distracted EU;
  • Social cohesion, marginalized human resources and gender aspects in the time of crisis.

Comparative case studies and research-based policy recommendations are encouraged, including but not limited to those concerning the countries of South East Europe.

By tradition, key speakers and high level officials from the country and from abroad are invited to address the conference. 


  • Abstracts due Tuesday, 17 January 2012
  • Notification of acceptance Tuesday, 24 January 2012
  • Papers due Tuesday, 27 March 2012
  • Review feedback Tuesday, 17 April 2012
  • Revised papers due Tuesday, 8 May 2012
  • Conference date Thursday 17 May 2012

The working language of the conference is English. Looking to encourage an informed dialogue, we welcome papers (3000-7000 words) by scholars and professionals from any discipline including but not limited to international relations, economics, law and political sciences, sociology, philosophy, media, language, literature and cultural studies. PhD students are also encouraged to take part. 300 word abstracts can be submitted by email to Abstracts should be written in Word or RTF formats, font Times New Roman size 12, following this order: author(s), affiliation, email address, title of abstract, body of abstract, key words. A short biography (up to 100 words) is also required.

All papers need to be submitted and will be peer-reviewed prior to the conference. The number of participants presenting at the main sessions will be limited to those who submit papers of highest quality and relevance. Following an additional review process, a selection of best quality papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in an ISBN e-book and/or hard copy volume. To avoid copyright infringements, the program and organizing committee will review and publish original works which are not currently under consideration elsewhere. The papers that are accepted will require a release form in order to be published in the proceedings book. University American College Skopje will cover all costs for editing and publishing. No fees will be granted to the authors.

Accommodation expenses will be covered by the University American College Skopje on as-needed basis only for a limited number of selected presenters who need to submit a bursary form.

For abstract & paper guidelines, conference programme and other updates please visit our web page:

Program Committee:

  • Dr. Biro Gaspar, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
  • Dr. Charalampos Tsardanidis, Institute of International Economic Relations, Athens
  • Dr. Desislava Ljubomirova Boshnakova, New Bulgarian University, Sofia
  • Dr. Ilijana Petrovska, University American College Skopje
  • Dr. Ivan Dodovski, University American College Skopje
  • Dr. Jaka Vadnjal, GEA College for Entrepreneurship, Ljubljana
  • Dr. Jeremy Cripps, American University in Bulgaria
  • Dr. Johan G. Wissema, Delft University of Technology
  • Dr. Mehmet Zeki Ibrahimgil, Gazi University, Ankara
  • Dr. Stevo Pendarovski, University American College Skopje
  • Organizing Committee:
  • Dr. Stevo Pendarovski,
  • Dr. Ilijana Petrovska,
  • Dr. Ivan Dodovski, Chairperson,



Geographical focus
  • International; Other
  • Republic of North Macedonia

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on December 28, 2011
Modified on December 5, 2011