News archive - Fellowship Programme for Policy Researchers from the Western Balkans Region
The fellowship programme is looking for up to ten talented and dedicated young researchers who must be residents of a Western Balkans country. It aims at contributing to the capacity building and professional development of policy researchers from the region of the Western Balkans and provides opportunities for networking and for creating links to the EU and to think tanks and policy organisations that are based in the Western Balkans region.
NB: Call for Applications open until March 30, 2010.
Technical Information
Each fellowship should last 6 months, including a residential stay of up to 3 months in a think tank in a EU member state or in a policy centre in the Western Balkans. At the host organisation, fellows are expected to engage in ongoing policy research projects and to develop a concrete policy product (a research study or survey; policy papers, briefs, or newsletters; an event; or another policy-related product or activity, e.g., a blog).
The European Fund for the Balkans and the Open Society Institute Think Tank Fund will grant a maximum of EUR 5,000 for each fellowship. Co-funding from the involved organisations is supplemental. These funds are to cover travel expenses and reasonable accommodation and living costs.
Application requirements:
* Applicants must be permanent residents of a country of the Western Balkans region,
* have been employed full-time with a strong research component for at least 1 year at a think tank, a policy centre or an NGO in a Western Balkans country at the time of application, and plan to stay for at least one more year, and
* be fluent in written and spoken English.
* They should be between 24 and 35 years of age at the time of application.
To be considered for a fellowship, applicants should send the following documents by e-mail to no later than 30 March 2010:
* motivation/cover letter
* curriculum vitae (CV)
* support letter from the Executive Director/President of the sending organisation
* support letter from the Executive Director/President/Department Head of a host organisation
Applications must be in English and attached to the e-mail as MS Word or PDF documents.
Important Dates:
Application Deadline: March 30 2010
Selection of fellows: 15 April 2010
Residential stays at host institutions: May - September 2010
Duration of Fellowship: May - November 2010
You can download the complete Call for Applications and the Application Guidelines by clicking on the links. Full information on the programme and how to apply is available at If you have questions, write an e-mail to
Source: Balkanfund.
- Albania
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Croatia
- Kosovo*
- Montenegro
- Republic of North Macedonia
- Serbia
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on March 16, 2010
Modified on March 16, 2010