News archive - European Commission launches Consultation on the New Modernisation Agenda
The European Commission plans to adopt a new Communication on the modernisation of higher education in the third quarter of 2011.A consulation on the subject is currently open.
Deadline: March 15, 2011.
This new Communication will review progress towards the objectives set out in the 2006 Communication ‘Delivering on the modernisation agenda for universities: education, research and innovation’ and propose action to respond to the challenges of the new decade.
To help prepare the new Communication, the European Commission is currently undertaking a consultation with stakeholders in European higher education. As part of this, the EC has set up a short online questionnaire, asking for views on priorities for higher education, including its research and innovation dimensions, in the period up to 2020.The questionnaire is available in English, French or German.
Source: EUA.
- Europe
- European Union (EU 27)
- Western Balkans
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on February 10, 2011
Modified on February 10, 2011