News archive - Event Announcement: Science, Higher Education and Innovation Policy Forum in Montenegro

Another major policy meeting on science, higher education and innovation will take place on July 2-3, 2008, in Montenegro. It is organised by the UNESCO Office in Venice and the Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro.

Commissioner Potocnik will be a key note speaker.
The forum shall bring together some 100 participants, representatives of higher education and scientific institutions as well as academies, parliamentarians responsible for higher education, science and technology, young scientists and representatives of the private sector from the countries of South Eastern Europe. Representatives from other European countries, European and international organisations are invited to participate as well.
The forum will take stock of what has been done and what more or better should be done to strengthen in particular the human resources capacity in the region.

Entry created by Elke Dall on April 30, 2008
Modified on May 4, 2008